We recognize the adolescent years are full of changes and transitions. We seek to meet teenagers where they are, no matter who they are and help guide them into a life of serving God and others. We also recognize youth ministry isn't just about the teenagers, but about the entire family unit. We want to walk alongside parents and guardians to support them however we can to build up their homes.

Read our safety policy here.

Weekly Activities

Our youth ministry serves students in 6th through 12th grade.

  • sunday school

    Join us in the youth basement on Sunday mornings as we talk about 'the building blocks of our faith.' Students will walk through the Scripture with our wonderful leaders, and learn how to build a stronger foundation to their faith.

    Sunday school is every week at 9:45 a.m. 

  • illuminate

    Our goal on Sunday night is to shed light on scripture, our community, and our faith journeys.

    4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Gathering time for conversation, games, TV, etc.

    5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Dinner + interactive (and often competitive!) games

    6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Bible study and conversation

    *ILLUMINATE will resume in the fall. 

    We are now operating on our summer schedule which you can access below.

Summer Activities & Camp

Each summer we attend camp as a group. This year, we attended M-Fuge at Carson-Newman University in Jefferson City, TN

from June 17-21.

MFuge is designed to give students a mission experience that opens their eyes to similar opportunities they may have to serve in their own communities, learning to live life each day on mission!

See more about summer camp here.

Check out our full summer schedule here.